Mail Merge with Notion Data
Learn how to generate multiple documents or presentations using Notion Data
Last updated
Learn how to generate multiple documents or presentations using Notion Data
Last updated
Before you can use Notion Data with Mail Merge, you need to establish a connection between the two platforms.
Follow the tutorial below to learn how to connect Notion data using Dokin.
Navigate to the "Mail Merge" tab.
Choose the Notion Table you want to use as your data source.
To insert placeholders, there is two possibilities:
Directly Type the Field Name: within your Presentation or Document, enclose the Field Name within double brackets. Example: {{Field Name}}
Use the Insert Button: Place your cursor within your Presentation or Document where you want to insert a placeholder. Click the "Insert" button next to the Field you wish to insert.
Once you've added your placeholders, click the "Next" button (>) to proceed.
You should now select specific rows from your database for which you want to generate documents. Simply check the boxes next to the corresponding records.
You can display your options by a specific field from your database.
You must select at least one row to continue.
Now, let's configure options for your document generation:
Enter the name of the file you want to create. You can insert placeholders to create a custom title (e.g.: Sales Report for {{Company}}
For Google Slides presentation, you can select whether you want to create:
Multiple presentations (one document for each row) or,
Single document, with multiple slides (one slide for each row).
You can also choose if you want to create:
or an editable Google Slides or Google Docs.
When you insert Fields with Dokin, they come with a link that allows you to access and update the associated data or cell value. This link is essential for Dokin to recognize your variables and keep your document text up to date as the data changes.
If you generate PDF files, Dokin does not retain these links.
If you opt to generate a Presentation or Document instead, you have the choice to remove these links. This option is recommended when you intend to share your files externally.
Select the Folder where you want the output documents to be stored. Dokin will create a sub-folder in this Folder, where all the new files will be grouped.
You can opt to send your generated documents via email to the recipients you'd like to send them to.
Click on the "Create a new Email" button
If it's the first time you use Gmail with Dokin or if you revoked access, you'll have authorize Dokin access to your Gmail account, to send email on your behalf.
If you want to know more about Google Permission, see this article.
In the email settings, specify recipients, subject, and message content. You can use placeholders for dynamic email content.
You are now ready to generate your documents. Click on the “Create documents” button. You will receive a notification once your documents have been created and sent via email.